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Zac Perna Shares His 9 Daily Habits For Success

Fitness influencer and trainer Zac Perna knows a thing or two about the power of habits and routine. I mean, the guy wrote his book ‘Good Influence’ in just a few months thanks to how well his morning routine set him up for success.

So he’s definitely someone to listen to if you want to build your own routine that’ll get you on your way to reaching your goals. And now he’s shared his top 9 habits in a new YouTube video.

Here’s what Zac’s doing to make 2024 his best year yet:

9 Daily Habits for Motivation & Happiness in 2024
  1. Getting up early every day. Zac sets his alarm for 5.30, and also sets his heater to come on at 4.30 so that the warmth helps him wake up more easily.
  2. Not checking his phone. 
  3. Reading for 10 to 15 minutes. Doing this instead of scrolling on his phone means Zac gets some positive input first thing, rather than doom and gloom from the news.
  4. Working for 30 minutes. While still in the comfort of his bed, Zac’ll grab his laptop and get half an hour’s uninterrupted work in.
  5. Cold therapy. Another non-negotiable for Zac is a quick dip in the sea to get some cold water therapy in.
  6. Eating a steak a day. 
  7. Cutting caffeine out after 3pm.
  8. Following a solid evening routine. Zac heads to bed nice and early, and aims to read rather than looking at his phone.
  9. Making time for the things he enjoys. 

There’s nothing too out there in Zac’s routine, which makes it pretty accessible to the rest of us to try out for ourselves. So go and check out the full video to really get inspired to make some changes and build some healthy new habits. 

Next, check out this post: Zac Perna Shows Us His New Australia Home

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