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Should You Drink Huel? James Smith Breaks It Down 

Straight-talking fitness influencer James Smith is at it again, taking on one of the big names in the world of fitness and nutrition. This time he’s getting up close and personal with Huel to discuss whether or not it’s worth including in your diet or if it’s all just a big con.

RIght off the bat it’s pretty clear where James stands on the issue, opening the video with the line “I hate meal replacement shakes”. Not a big surprise really to anyone who knows how passionate the guy is about real nutrition!

And in true Smith style, he of course expands on his opening statement with a breakdown of why he has such an issue with any drink that calls itself a meal replacement. It’s clearly something he feels quite strongly about as he explains that he just doesn’t see how you can call a drink, a meal. 

Is This The Biggest Con In Nutrition?

Going so far as to call anyone who would have a drink and then claim to be eating a meal ‘clearly insane’, Smith also points out that these kinds of meal replacement shakes are often linked to disordered eating and other issues around food.

So James’ issue isn’t with Huel in particular, although he does point out that with 20g of protein per bottle it’s not the best for anyone trying to gain muscle to use as a meal replacement. The point he’s making is that Huel is fine as a supplement to your diet, but that no one needs to be drinking it instead of eating a proper, balanced meal.

Unless you have a valid medical reason for using meal replacement shakes, do yourself a favour and focus on eating your meals and adding in shakes when you want an extra boost of protein and nutrients.

Next, you should check out our post: James Smith Explains the Science Behind Cheat Meals

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